Monday, March 2, 2015

Health & Fitness Link-Ups

Link up your coolest healthy, plant-based, natural, DIY or ecofriendly posts at Live it Up on Urban Naturale Please do not include meat, dairy, eggs, seafood recipes or ingredients. Link back in some way, comment and visit at least 2 other sites.
Femme Fitale Fit Club Link up your fitness, health or wellness blog posts, YouTube videos and Facebook posts at Wow! Workout Wednesdays on Femme Fitale Fit Club
Feel free to link up your real food posts,(no non organic brands) bloggers only please, family friendly posts pertaining to anything related to real food, or health related link ups/blog hops on Real Food Fridays on It's Your Life, Back to the Basics, Organic 4 GreenLivings, Cook Up Paleo, or Homestead McCoy.
"Link up and check out the great health and fitness blogs for inspiration, motivation, tasty recipes and stories of determination and accomplishments!" at Fitness Friday on Jill Conyers
"Linkup your week of workouts! Help stay motivated and inspired and while you're at it, support the rest of us in our fitness efforts!" at Fitness Friday on Talk Less - Say More
Diary of a Semi-Health Nut Link up your health & fitness posts at Did You Know on the First Friday of every month. No product promotion or giveaway link-ups and no recipes UNLESS you teach something about the nutrition Link back, and visit at least one of the other links.


  1. Nice collection of health & wellness link ups. I found a few new ones, thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello,
    I have a linkup on Wednesdays. If you like it, please join :)

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